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Friday, May 18, 2012

Guys, boys, males -_-

*sorta harsh topic, but it needs to be talked about...I've seen way too many people make mistakes

         Guys, boys, men...there's a reason why Islam prohibits boy-girl relationships...they are way too complicated. I live in a mostly all-Christian population...and I've seen enough broken relationships to last a life time. I'm talking about teenagers, young kids who decide they are totally completely in love, and all of a sudden they can't live without this person. They have this happy phase where everything is going good...and then just a few months later it falls apart and they barely know each other.
      And it breaks my heart when I see my young Muslim sisters making the same mistakes, doing the same things.
        Truth is, there are two things: crushing, and loving, and as young kids we mistake crushing for love. I don't even know what love is, but I do know what a crush feels like. In today's world, its kinda hard to avoid a crush...it happens...I think so anyway. We can't exactly prevent ourselves from liking someone... that's near impossible. What we can do is remember that WE are Muslimahs, and as Muslimahs, we should always coincide what we do with what we want in the Aa'khirah. 
So I might like this guy, but is he really worth my Aa'khirah? 
         I think if a guy is really worth it, I wouldn't have to worry about my Aa'khirah being jeopardized because he would worry about that. If a guy really loved me, how could he ask me to do something that Allah (SWT) has forbidden? How could he doom me to the punishment of the Aa'khirah? 
         If a guy was really worth it, I wouldn't have to hide him, and there would be no need to defend him. 

It is related on the authority of Abu Haraira (Rahimahullaah) that the Holy Prophet(salAllahu `alaihi wa sallam) said,"Seven people will be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His. They are: 

1) The judge who is just;

2) The man who devotes his life in the worship of God even in his youth;

3) The man who eagerly awaits the call to prayer to go to the Mosque and worship God;

4) The two companions, who love each other for the sake of Allah, when they meet they meet for the sake of Allah, when they separate they separate for the sake of Allah;

5) The man who resists the temptation of a woman who is beautiful and comes of a respectable family and tries to incline him towards her for evil purposes;

6) The man who gives alms with his right hand but conceals it from the left;
7) The man when alone, meditates on God, and his eyes become filled with tears."


            I don't know about anyone else but I want to be among those under Allah (SWT)'s shade. If a guy is leading me away from Allah (SWT) instead of toward him, how could he EVER be worth it???? 

He isn't.

May Allah (SWT) protect us from all of those things that lead us away from Him....Ameen

Lovin' Y'all For the Sake of Allah :)

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